Repeater Systems: ATV | Digital Voice | EchoLink & IRLP | Repeater Rules | Weather | Meshtastic
Repeater Systems
The Rocky Ridge Repeater Group (RRRG) is the Technical Committee of MDARC. RRRG is charged with the operation and maintenance of the club's repeaters located on Mt. Diablo. These repeaters are open repeaters. That is, they may be used by any licensed amateur radio operators regardless of club affiliation, so long as they are operated in accord with the FCC and club rules.
We have two pages under Activities that list on air nets. Nets on MDARC systems are on our systems. Nets on other systems including HF generally require no central system. Join us!
Reminder: use the output frequency of a disabled repeater
We are pleased to provide Mt Diablo weather data from a WX station installed in 2023.
W6CX and Northern California 440 Repeater Restrictions
The power output on our 70cm (440) repeater has been reduced by 50dB due to a request from the US Air Force. This change is necessary to mitigate the interference issue affecting the PAVE PAWS radar (PPR) system operating in the 70cm band. This has resulted in the following changes to our repeater system:
440 and 220 are now permanently linked.
The Morning nets that were run on 220 linked to 440 are now run on 220 linked to 2m.
EchoLink and IRLP are both now accessible only from 2m.
The Thursday evening net will be conducted on 2m linked to 220 and 440.
The ATV output has been moved from 427.25 MHz AM to 1244.50 MHz Digital.
This is an issue that affects all Northern California 440 repeaters. Read more here:
The latest round of ARRL Communications to 440 UHF Repeater Owners in Northern California
W6CX Voice Repeaters
147.060 MHz + / PL 100 Hz - EchoLink: W6CX-R /133896, IRLP: 3057
Radios receive on 147.060 MHz where the repeater transmits or outputs.
Positive transmitter offset of +600 kHz means 147.660 MHz.
Most radios recognize this transmitter offset.
Radios transmit at 147.660 MHz where the repeater listens or inputs.
Radios can listen to the repeater input for weak and/or local signals.
Private Line (PL) or Continuous Tone-Coded Squelch Systems (CTCSS)
is a subaudible tone at 100 Hz sent by your radio to
verify to the repeater you are transmitting and not a spurious emission.
Users may use the output frequency of a disabled repeater to continue their conversation.
224.780 MHz -1.6 MHz, split / PL 77 Hz
Negative transmitter offset of -1.6 MHz means 223.180 MHz.
PL is a sub-audible tone at 77 Hz.
Users may use the output frequency of a disabled repeater to continue their conversation.
441.325 MHz + / PL 100 Hz
Positive transmitter offset of +5 MHz means 441.825 MHz.
PL is a sub-audible tone at 100 Hz.
Users may use the output frequency of a disabled repeater to continue their conversation.
W6CX Amateur Television (ATV) Repeater
430.0 MHz Digital
915.0 MHz Digital
1270.00 MHz FM
1273.0 MHz Digital
1292.50 MHz Digital
915.0 MHz Digital
1270.00 MHz FM
1273.0 MHz Digital
1292.50 MHz Digital
1244.50 MHz Digital
W6CX Digital Voice Repeater
145.000 DUP + Offset 2.5 (Port C)
Full Details – click here
W6CX DMR Repeater
Repeater Output: 144.925 MHz
Repeater Input: 147.425 MHz
Color Code: 1
Slots 1 & 2 linked
BrandMeister Dashboard for W6CX DMR
Packet / APRS
W6CX-3 Packet Node 144.39 This node is used for keyboard-to-keyboard packet and APRS (Automated Packet Reporting System). Node Name RRRG.
Repeater Malfunction Protocol
Users may use the output frequency of a disabled repeater to continue their conversation.
If there is a malfunction with any of the repeaters or nodes, please send us a short message to Do not assume that someone else has already notified us. We would rather have duplicate notifications than have none at all.
Please include the following information in your note:
Your name.
Your call sign.
Your phone number and/or email address (preferably both). This so we can contact you, should we need additional information.
The repeater or node with the problem, e.g., the frequency.
A description of the problem.
Thank you for your help.