About Us
The Mount Diablo Amateur Radio Club (MDARC) was founded on January 9, 1947. Today it has a membership of over 300 dedicated hams and is one of the largest amateur radio clubs in California. MDARC's purpose is to encourage innovation in amateur radio, provide public service and educational opportunities, foster good will within our community, and have fun in the process.
MDARC provides a wide variety of programs and activities for its members. These include hosting and staffing PACIFICON (ARRL Pacific Division convention) each October, bringing in great speakers and offering ham radio classes to the public. Our Field Day event, holiday party, and radio equipment auction are all enjoyable events!
MDARC General Meeting
Membership in MDARC includes autopatch access to all three MDARC voice repeaters (W6CX). We also maintain an amateur television (ATV) repeater, a digipeater supporting Packet/APRS (Automatic Packet Reporting System); EchoLink; and Internet Radio Linking Project (IRLP). We also have a multi-protocol digital voice repeater capable of DMR (Digital Mobile Radio); D-Star and C4FM (Yaesu Fusion).