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of the
Mt. Diablo Radio Club
“Study the past if you would define the future.”
"There is a history in all men's lives."
William Shakespeare
This section of the web site is to capture the history of the the Mt. Diablo Radio Club, before it disappears forever.
If you have interesting information about the club's past, a document, a photo, or even a memory, please send it to us; so the rest of us may enjoy learning where we came from.
Much of the history of MDARC would not be available here without the generous donation of treasure troves of documents; including a summary of the first several years of the Club, photos, past Carrier editions, past membership directories, newspaper clippings, online research and many other items; from the following people. Thank you.
* Pete Tormey, N6QGN
* Pete Harris, KE6ZIW
* Brad Sage, K5JPR
* John Schulze, KR6CR
* Dick Brown, KT6X
* Tom Deeble, KA6SIP
* Matthew Vurek, N4DLA
* Jerry Gardner, W6UV
* Dave McIntyre, KG6ACD
* Jim Tittle, K6SOE
Also, a great deal of thanks goes to our Outreach Chair, Dick Wade, WM6G, for helping to scan and upload all these documents.
This is a living section of the web site; always growing. Please check back occasionally to see what's new.
Thank you.
History of the Mt. Diablo Amateur Radio Club; January 2, 1947 through December, 1976 (PDF, 1.8 MB)
Special Club Members (Honorary & Lifetime Members)