Activities: Auction | Campout Party | Digital Systems | DX & Contests | Emergency Communications | Field Day |
Holiday Banquet | Leap Day Net | Nets on MDARC Systems | Nets on Other Systems | Pacificon Table | Vehicles
Nets on MDARC Systems
The following nets are on MDARC systems and related channels.
Guests and new members are welcome on all nets
unless otherwise stated.
See also our Nets on Other Systems page.
Voice Nets (for the Digital Net and ATV Nets see below)
Daily, Mondays thru Fridays:
o 5:42 AM: 5:42 Morning Muster
2 meters, 220 MHz and 440 meters: 147.060 /+ (100PL); Linked to 224.780/441.325 /+ (100PL)
Net Control is Trevor Hall, WA6JAU.
o 6:10 AM: 6:10 Net
2 meters, 220 MHz and 440 meters: 147.060 /+ (100PL); Linked to 224.780/441.325 /+ (100PL)
Net Control is Harry Styron, K6HS.
o 6:00 PM: LDS Collaborative Net
2 meters: 147.060 /+ (100PL)
o 6:30 PM: Danville Emergency Communications Net
2 meters: 147.060 /+ (100PL)
o 8:00 PM: SATERN Net
2 meters, 220 MHz and 440 meters: 147.060 /+ (100PL); Linked to 224.780/441.325 /+ (100PL)
including EchoLink, Fusion and D-Star
o 6:00 PM: Veterans net open to all
2 meters: 147.060 /+ (100PL)
Sponsored by the Pleasanton American Legion 237 radio club
o 7:00 PM: net of SkyWarn
2 meters: 147.060 /+ (100PL) via EchoLink to
spotters coordinate through SF Bay Area & Monterey
forecast office
o 8:00 PM: Delta Amateur Radio Club
2 meters: 147.060 /+ (100PL)
o 7:30 PM: MDARC Club Net
2 meters, 220 MHz and 440 meters: 147.060 /+ (100PL); Linked to 224.780/441.325 /+ (100PL)
4th Wednesday:
o 12:00 PM: Bay Area Hospital Net
2 meters 147.060 /+ (100PL)
Digital Net
Tuesdays (every other week)
o 8:00 PM: Contra Costa Digital Practice Net
2 meters 147.060 /+ (100PL); linked with
224.780 MHz; PL 77.0 / 441.325+ PL 100.0
Practice using fldigi (wikipedia)
with mode MT63-2000 long
ATV Nets
o 9:00 AM: Bathrobe ATV Net
o 6:00 PM: Technical Round Table Net
Questions asked & answered on all things ham-related.
o 8:00 PM: General ATV Net
All ATV nets are on the following frequencies:
Voice: 2 meters, 220 MHz and 440 meters: 147.060 /+ (100PL); Linked to 224.780/441.325 /+ (100PL)
ATV Input: 1292.50 MHZ Digital
1270 MHz FM
ATV Output: 1244.5 MHz Digital