Obtaining an Official Copy

of your

Amateur Radio License

The following instructions for obtaining an official copy of your amateur radio license come directly from the FCC, thanks to a request by John Primus, AF6RJ. Thankx, John!

You may download a copy of these instructions in Microsoft Word format by clicking here. They are also available on the FCC web site at:


Obtain a copy of your Amateur Radio License from the FCC Website

 PLEASE NOTE: Per Public Notice DA 15-72, The FCC no longer mails license authorizations. If you provide an email address on your application, an official copy of your license will be automatically emailed to you after the application has granted.  Licensees can also opt to download electronic authorizations by logging into License Manager:

Log in to https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsEntry/licManager/login.jsp with your FCC Registration Number (FRN) and Password

If you do not know the password: 

After receiving confirmation of a successful password reset, click the link for Universal Licensing System
(DO NOT click the CORES Public Interface link.)

Click the button labeled ULS License Manager; you will be taken to the log in screen

Click the, Download Electronic Authorizations, link on the navigation bar on the left side of the License Manager home page.

1. To search for the authorization(s) you want to download:
            a. Enter the call sign OR
            b. Enter a date range (based on Effective Date of the license)

2. In the My Authorization box, select the call signs you wish to download

3. Add the call signs to the Authorizations to Download box.

4. Once the licenses have been selected, click the Download button in the lower right-hand corner of the screen.

5. The download will be automatically converted to a PDF file, and you can choose to Open (to print) or Save (to save to a desired folder)


Downloading Electronic Authorizations Using the Chrome Browser

Filers using Chrome will need to turn off the Pop-up Blocker before downloading. To turn off the Pop-up Blocker:

1. Click on the Settings icon (3 horizontal lines) in the upper right-hand corner of the browser

2. Click on Settings

3. At the bottom of the Settings page, click the link Show Advanced Settings

4. Under the Privacy heading, click the Content Settings button

5. In the Content Settings window, scroll down to the Pop-ups section

6. Click Allow all sites to show pop-ups; click the Done button

7. Close the Settings tab

After the authorization(s) have been selected for download, follow these steps for accessing the PDF file in Chrome:

        1. After clicking the Download button, a blank window will open. At this point, the authorizations are downloading.
          (If the filer exits this window prior to the download finishing, the download will not complete.)

        2. Once the download completes, it will appear at the bottom of the blank window.

        NOTE: If the download button cannot be seen at the bottom of the screen, maximize the window

        3. Click on the button to open the PDF file

Downloading Authorizations Using MAC Operating Systems

The FCC recommends using the Chrome or Firefox browsers for MAC when downloading authorizations using the MAC OS.


If you receive one of the following error messages after attempting the above steps, you may need to install or update the Adobe Acrobat Reader:

Invalid or corrupted PDF file. Message: Invalid PDF structure

Go to the following website - https://get.adobe.com/reader/

        1. You may uncheck the optional offer.

        2. Click the Install now button.

        3. You will be prompted to either save or run the file.
        (If you are prompted to save the file, you will need to locate your download folder and run the file.)

For further assistance with the installation please refer to the Need help? link on the screen.


Mobile devices will need to have a PDFviewer to open the Electronic Authorization. We recommend installing Adobe Acrobat Reader from the app store.

Should you have any further questions or need additional information, please submit a request for help at https://esupport.fcc.gov/onlinerequest.htm, or call the FCC Licensing Support Center at 1-877-480-3201.