Record Retention Policy

Approved by the Board of Directors 06/07/2021

Documents to Retain Permanently

Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws

Form 1023 or 1024 for Tax Exempt Status

Employer Identification Number Determination Letter

IRS/State Tax Exemption Letters

Contracts and Leases in effect

Year End Financial Statements

Insurance Records, Claims, Policies

Legal Correspondence

Donation Records involving Restricted Funds

Documents to Retain for 6 years

Federal and State tax filings

Documents to Retain for 10 years

Bank Statements

Bills from Vendors

Contracts and Leases (10 years from date of expiration)

Donation Records


Purchase Orders

Treasurer’s reports

Minutes from Board meetings

Documents to Retain for 3 years

Photos and videos on website

Committee reports

Pacificon related web information and videos