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The MDARC Officers, Board of Directors and Staff continue our commitment to protect the health of our members and guests during this COVID-19 pandemic.
It is our hope that members and guests have received a vaccination, and the appropriate booster. It is my belief that having the vaccination can significantly reduce the chance of infection by the virus and can lessen the severity of the disease and associated hospitalization. It is also an important way that we can protect each other from infection.
While we do not currently require attendees at our in-person monthly meetings and licensing classes to wear a mask or show proof of vaccination, we understand that wearing a mask may help some people to feel more comfortable. We agree that it is an acceptable method for prevention and encourage those who wish to wear a mask to do so.
Currently for those who have tested positive from the COVID virus, there are different sets of guidelines recommended by the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) based on symptoms and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) based on number of days following a negative COVID test result.
I am not endorsing one set of guidelines over another and believe each member must make their own choice in this matter. I have posted the links to both guidelines in order so you can review them.
CDC: If You Are Sick or Caring for Someone | CDC
CDPH: COVID-19 Isolation Guidance (ca.gov)
Larry, KK6QPE
2024 MDARC President
[For previous notes see About Us/Club Announcements ]